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Where it All Started

My love for fashion started as a young girl who loved playing dress up in the mirror. I still remember the day my mother bought my first pair of light up Princess shoes with the cute little sparkles and light pink bow. Yea, you know which ones I'm talking about the ones that every young girl loved to play in while watching Cinderella. That was the start of it all... 


Growing up my grandmother always schooled me on taking pride in how I showed up. From being the one of a kind stand out to having an esteemed look that made your presence in the room full. She has been a fashion designer and master sewer since I can remember. As Las Vegas natives we would often take trips to the Garment District in Los Angeles, CA and play around in the array of fashion, fabrics, and textiles. I didn't know it then but it birthed a natural sense of style in me.


These experiences would lead me down the path of learning self expression through the way I dressed. And trust me my style has evolved over the years. Currently I would describe my style as modest, yet bold with some edge. It is this style as of now that has evoked an interest in other women who have asked if I "was a stylist." Funny I would always shoot down the idea without hesitation. But truth is unbeknownst to me it has been a hidden passion. Crazy to think, I have been the "go to girl" when it came to helping my friends with their looks for the first week of school, birthdays, prom, and dinner dates since middle school. Those small style sessions would be the common thread that led to women liking my outfits on social media and stopping me in public to shower me with compliments on my style. 


All that to say I have been running from this calling for a long time. Outside of being a natural fashionista my expertise and knowledge of styling is accredited to the big boxed retail stores and luxury clothing brands that I have worked for throughout the years. The one I owe the most credit to was my experience as a stylist and assistant manager at 7 For ALL Mankind- a luxury denim brand worn by celebrities and high net worth individuals. It was that hands on experience with clients from all over the world that taught me the power of an elevated experience.


A city girl currently living residing in Dallas, TX, I am a TWU (Texas Woman's University) girlie who majored in business marketing and management. Who knew those skills would lead me here as your personal style sistah'. 


So, sistah, now that you know my story I am eager to hear about your style story. Whether you are new to the fashion world, unsure of what your style is, too tired to think through how to show up, shopping has never been your thing, or you're tired of hearing your family and friends say you need a new look, but don't know where to start ... There is no shame here. 


I would love to work with you! Just call me your fairy style sistah'- Here at Sanct & Co. we are all about turning style dreams into reality by putting the confident ease in how you show up!


See you on the inside, 

-Salange S. 




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